2024 Feature Article: Top 25 Issues
Infectious Disease Special Edition (Gold)
Continuing the Quest After Mosaico
Landon Gray, Matthew White, Marie Rosenthal, Kristin Jannacone, Betty Zhong
Honorable Mentions
Sport & Physical Activity Professional (7)
Project FEAR offers hope for action — Summer 2023
Rachel Masker, Will Williams, DeeDee Doke, Vanessa Townsend
Specialty Pharmacy Continnuum (9)
Are FDA Fast Tracked Drugs Safe? Delayed Data Raise Concerns
Marie Rosenthal, David Bronstein, Kristin Jannacone, Betty Zhong
TechTarget Security (13)
7 ways to mitigate CISO liability and risk
Alissa Irei, Sharon Shea, Linda Koury
AACSB Insights(16)
ChatGPT: The Next Firestorm in Education (feature)
Johan Roos, Tricia Bisoux
DCD (22)
The unmaking of Enron Broadband: The spectacular collapse of a Wall Street darling with dreams of Internet dominance
Sebastian Moss
CIM Magazine (24)
September/October 2023 Feature
Kelsey Rolfe, Ailbhe Goodbody, Ryan Bergen
Journal of Commerce (25)
Ready for War
Michael Angell, Mark Szakonyi, Benjamin Meyer, Sue Abt, Denise Shoukas