2021 COVID-19 Coverage: Top 25
PS Magazine (Gold)
The Month Everything Changed
Darin Painter, Alexa Schlosser, Kristin Frankiewicz, Phillip Montwill
Trade Show Executive (Silver)
The Time is Now
Gabrielle Weiss, Richard Simon, Andrea Doyle, Janet Crouch
Infectious Disease Special Edition (Bronze)
Great Debates, Sweden and Herd Immunity; Children, the Latest Victims of COVID-19; COVID-19 Vaccines: Welcome Additions to the Armamentarium
Marie Rosenthal, Matthew White, Kristin Jannacone, Betty Zhong, Sarah Tilyou
Honorable Mentions
NZ Plumber (4)
COVID-19 And The Plumbing Industry
Greg Wallace, Beverly Sellers, ICG, Alton Anamani
E&T (7)
E&T’s Covid-19 coverage
Dickon Ross, John Rooney, Dominic Lenton, Tim Fryer, Becky Northfield
Boxoffice Pro (8)
The Impact of Covid-19 on the Movie Theater Industry
Julien Marcel, Daniel Loria, Rebecca Pahle, Laura Silver, She Was Only
Veterinary Practice News (10)
COVID-19: Practicing veterinary medicine amidst a pandemic
Blair Adams, Samantha Ashenhurst, Alfi Ichwandito
The ACHR NEWS (12)
Onset of Winter Raises Concerns About Spread of Virus Indoors
Joanna Turpin
International Fiber Journal (13)
Issue 3 2020 Cover Series – “Responding to COVID-19 and the Road Ahead”
International Fiber Journal
McKinsey Global Publishing (15)
Charting the path to the next normal
McKinsey Global Publishing
Texas Architect Magazine (16)
Covid-19 Coverage
Aaron Seward, Monica Cavazos, Elizabeth Hackler, Sophie Aliece Hollis
TechRepublic (17)
11 ways to be a consummate professional during Zoom and Microsoft Teams meetings
Teena Maddox
Staffing Industry Analysts (18)
Staffing Industry Analysts’ Covid-19 coverage
Subadhra Sriram, Craig Johnson, Sharon Thomas, Katherine Alvarez, Danny Romero
Surface Coatings International (19)
Issue 103.3 May-June 2020 The Covid Effect
Brenda Peters, Richard Kennedy, Ann-Marie Etherington, OCCA Publications Team, The Printplus Group
Marijuana Business Daily/Marijuana Business Magazine (21)
Pandemic Pivot
Omar Sacirbey, Bart Schaneman, John Schroyer, Jeff Smith, Matt Lamers
ASHRAE Journal Newsletter (22)
Guidance for Reopening Schools: July 28 Edition of ASHRAE Journal Newsletter
ASHRAE Journal Staff
CIO (23)
CIOs confront COVID-19’s evolving impact on business and IT
Jason Snyder, Clint Boulton, Marc Ferranti, Galen Gruman, Peter Sayer
Pink Sheet (25)
Analyzing Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Approval Journey
The Pink Sheet Editorial Team